Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Mennonites strike oil

What a just world it would be, if only Mennonites discovered oil more frequently. That is what happened over the weekend, though. Imagine how differently our political allegiances would shift. Instead of overlooking fundamentalist beheadings, we would be straining to demonstrate how to live simply.


Susie was going over some of the portraits made by Annie Liebovitz. Some thoughts:
Her portraits show beautiful celebrities, but they also show their humanity. Carly Simon has a bruise on her leg in her portrait with James Taylor. Robert Penn Warren's chest sags. Linda Rondstadt, caught in an unglamourous moment in her California home, is less a star than just one of us. In fact, the relative absence of flaws in the appearance of Calvin Klein seems to reflect some shortage of character.
She spent a lot of time developing picture ideas. She conceived elaborate photo costumes for Mariel Hemingway, Whoopi Goldberg and Bette Midler.

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